The Bug Scientists by Donna M. Jackson

Suggested reading level: Grades 3-6

If creepy, crawly things fascinate your kid, consider taking a look at this book. Amber (10) and I read it together and it was really quite interesting. We met several entomologists, bug scientists, and learned about their jobs and more about the creatures they love.

Tom Turpin,whose picture is on the cover, is a professor at Purdue who tries to make bugs fun for his students and the community. He is even the ringmaster of the annual Bug Bowl, where activities include a Cricket-Spitting Contest. Valerie Cervenka uses the information bugs give her to help solve crimes in Minnestoa and Steven Kutcher directs bugs in movies, commercials and videos.

We actually learned the most from the chapter on Ted Schult, a research entomologist at the Smithsonian Institution. He discusses how similar bugs and humans really are. His specialty is Attini ants, farmer ants who actually grow and tend fungus gardens. It’s amazing.

This was a great book for Amber. She loves critters and science. Actually, this book is part of her third favorite series (yes she has a list), Scientists in the Field. It’s interesting, fun and fact-filled. And the photos are awesome. Who knows, it may spark a life-long love of insects.

“There’s a vast frontier out there, of which we know very little. Of the one million insect species we’ve identified, all we know about most is the name that we’ve given them.” With an estimated 10 to 30 million more insects still to be discovered that leaves a lot of work to be done! (pg. 43)

Published in 2004
Scientists in the Field series
48 pages

Challenges: 100+, A to Z

Our copy was purchased and the above is my honest opinion. I am an Amazon associate.


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