I looked back to see what books I was reading 10 years ago. One of the books I read was outstanding, most were unmemorable.

  1. The Heretic’s Daughter by Kathleen Kent – I don’t remember this one at all, but I gave it 4 stars at the time.
  2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson was fantastic. It’s interesting that we actually watched the most recent Lisbeth Salander movie last week.
  3. Too Tall Alice by Barbara Worton – I don’t remember reading this one with Amber at all. And I’m not sure why I would have read a book about being too tall, that’s one thing neither Amber nor I have ever worried about.
  4. A Killer Collection by J. B. Stanley – This looks like it was a cozy mystery. I don’t remember it, but that’s really no surprise, cozy mysteries can blend together, especially when you’ve only read one in a series.
  5. Eve of the Emperor Penguin by Mary Pope Osborne – We read a lot of the Magic Tree House Series. They were fun and educational.
  6. Size 2 for Life by Ashley Marriott – Obviously this one wasn’t useful long term. I’m still not a size 2.
  7. Second Glance by Jodi Picoult – I’ve never been a giant Jodi Picoult fan. My comments at the time seem like I enjoyed, but her books are usually a little too much for me.
  8. My Kids, My Goodness by Nesta Aharoni was a parenting book. I’m not sure if I took any of the advice or not.

I miss reading the middle school books. I know I could just read them, but for me there just not as fun if you’re not reading them with a kid. I think my non-fiction choices have improved over the years, and I like that I’ve been trying to read at least one classic a month, something I didn’t bother with 10 years ago. I do still enjoy a good mystery.

How has your reading changed over the years?


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