Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty

Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty

I have a soft spot for mysteries with a sci-fi backdrop. Mallory is one of those people, like Angela Landsbury or any cozy mystery sleuth, who just seems to attract murders. She almost always helps the cops solve the crimes, but she's tired, her family hates her, and she can't keep friends - no one wants to risk being the next corpse. She seeks refuge on Station Eternity, a sentient space station populated by aliens, a station that doesn't allow humans aboard. Well, that's not strictly true. There is a human ambassador and there's also Xan, who is hiding out under rather unusual circumstances. But more people are on their way. When the shuttle carrying a human shuttle is almost docked at the space station, the space station, the shuttle, and Mallory's life explode into chaos. Several humans and at least one alien are killed in separate, but probably related events. The station's in turmoil, Mallory's vacillating between wanting to solve...
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Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty

Six Wakes is one I picked up based on the blurb - a locked-room mystery in space, a sci-fi mystery. The sci-fi hook this time around was cloning. The laws around cloning are strict, but basically, we have figured out how to make mindmaps, putting all of a person's memories, thoughts, personalities into a code that can be transferred into that person's cloned body, making an individual practically immortal and able to inherit their own belongings/money. There's some philosophical discussion about what makes a person a person, what is a soul, etc., but it's not really dealt with in depth. The mystery set up is great. Six people wake up in fresh clone bodies, with the clear evidence that their previous bodies had been murdered, obviously by one of them, since everyone else on the generational ship is in "storage." One or more of them is the killer, but no one knows who - their memories from the last 25 years have...
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