I ran across a few new to me words this week.
lagniappe– 1. chiefly Southern Louisiana and Southeast Texas. a small gift given with a purchase to a customer, by way of compliment or for good measure; bonus. 2. an unexpected or indirect benefit
“And if you like all things Pucci, the stunning bottles are a lovely lagniappe.” (pg, 85, The Oprah Magazine, April 2009)
some punkins– someone or something great or special.
“‘He thinks he’s some punkins,’ Patrick said. ‘But he ain’t.'” (pg. 67, Silver Dollar Girl by Katherine Ayres)
perspicacity– keenness of mental perception and understanding; discernment; penetration.
“Mr. Pirelli, on the other hand, is a model of perspicacity. (Look it up. It will be on your spelling quiz.)” (pg. 91, Do-Over! by Robin Hemley. My copy is an ARC.)
Play along at Bermudaonion’s Weblog.
That’s so funny that you have lagniappe as a word – I just saw it used in a guest post by Michelle Richmond today. I’ve heard punkin used as a term of endearment in the South. Thanks for participating today!
These are all new to me…I love Lagniappe!
My words are here:
I knew the last word, and bizarrely, got introduced to lagniappe by a fellow poster on a discussion forum last year. Can’t say I’ve ever had cause to use it, though. Heh.
My only word this week is at Bookishgal
I just came across lagniappe yesterday and had to look it up. I thought it was a neat custom. Lots of good words this week. I’m OK with the pop quiz by the way.