
  • Designer: Andrew Looney
  • Manufacturer: Looney Labs
  • Year: 2006
  • Playing time: 20 minutes
  • Ages: 8 and up
  • Players: 2 – 4

Last weekend, as we were on our way out the door to the fireworks, David said to grab a game to take with us, something to play while we waited on the sidewalk the hour or so before the explosions started. So, what game to bring? There were only four of us, set-up had to be easy, it had to be one David could carry in his pocket, and it couldn’t be something that would blow away, since it was an outdoor, pretty crowded area.

Playing Treehouse on Grandview

Treehouse was perfect. All the pieces come in a small tube. The game can take up a small area and wind is not an issues, unlike with cards. It consists of of plastic pyramids and a die. In the initial set up, one set of three pyramids is set up as the “House,” the black set in the picture above. The players each have a set of three pyramids that start off as a “tree,” shown by the other colors. A six-sided die gives each player the option to Aim, Hop, Tip, Swap or Dig each turn, trying to rearrange their initial “tree” of pyramids to match the three in the “House,” which is the goal for all players.

Sounds simple, I know, but it can really be a challenge. And just when you think you’re one step away, something in the “House” changes, and you feel like you’re starting all over again. Not only do you have to pay attention to your own set of pyramids and the “house,” you also have to make sure you know how your opponents’ are arranged. You don’t want to accidentally give them the win.

We actually have to tubes of pieces, so we can play with up to 9 people. It’s a fun, original game. I didn’t realize until the other day thought that there are other games designed to play with these pieces. Check out all the different game boards and accessories at Looney Labs. I think I need the Martian Coasters.

There’s even a book I need to find, The Empty City by Andrew Looney, which describes the fictional origins of the pyramid gaming system. Here’s the blurb:

Enter an offbeat city where dreams blur with reality, eccentric characters populate the diners and donut shops, and instead of chess, everyone plays an exotic game with pyramids. A city where Martian artists lurk among us, and time travel has been patented!

Treehouse is a good game to have on-hand. It’s great for a variety of ages, fun, quick and portable. Sometimes it’s just the perfect choice.

2006 Origins Awards Winner, Board Game of the Year
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Our Treehouses were purchased by a friend and the above is my honest opinion. I am an Amazon and Funagain Games associate.


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