Coral Snakes by Linda George
(Suggested reading level: Grades 3-5)
I’ve mentioned before that Amber (11) is an animal lover and she picked this book up on a recent trip to the library. We read it together before bed the other evening.
It’s a decent book, but not outstanding. It covers a lot of information about coral snakes, from where they live and how they hunt to how deadly their venom is. One thing that I did find interesting is that can’t open their mouths super-wide like other snakes, so they can’t eat prey larger than their own heads.
There’s a lot of facts here, but it’s rather dry and can be repetitious in spots. The photos didn’t impress me either. It’s definitely not worth going out of your way to find.
Animals and the Environment: Snakes
48 pages
Published 1998 by Capstone
2½ out of 5 stars
Purchase through Amazon.
Our copy was borrowed from the library and the above is my honest opinion.
You can rest assured that I will not be looking for this book. My wife cringes if she hears the word “snake”. The cover of this book would would send her into a terror-induced panic. I don’t care to read about snakes either.
Tossing It Out
All I have to say is, you’re a great mom if you read that book with Amber!
Euwww snakes! Would not have read this as a kid, creepy things
Oh snakes are so creepy. Have you seen Disney’s The Living Desert? There are a TON of snakes in it.
I hate snakes. They creap me out.
hmmm…it sounds ‘so so’.
Very cool that you read with your daughter 🙂 Its nice bonding time.
It’s good, though, that you are reading it with Amber. 😀