Here’s my plan, more or less.
Since last check-in, I finished Week 4 and am starting Week 5.
I had to switch Tuesday and Wednesday because we went to my Mom’s for dinner on Wednesday and to do a little yard work, so I didn’t think I’d want to head out to the gym after that. On Tuesday I did 1 hr 5 mins on the elliptical, going between 4 and 5 miles, I don’t remember the exact number. Wednesday I did some weight-lifting at home with David. We did dead-lifts, curls, squats, a couple of other things and a few crunches.
Thursday was a nice evening so I ran 2 miles at the local park. My pace was 10:42 min/mile. I’m thinking I’ll try to go a little quicker on those shorter runs and not worry too much about time on the longer ones.
Friday I took the dog on a mile walk, but we’re pretty slow.
Saturday I did my 4 miles at the park, going in circles. I’m not sure what the blue thing is on the map below. There’s not a lake there, but it does have a water pad and a softball field and an open area they sometimes use for soccer.
Sunday I took the dog for a mile walk.
Monday I headed to the gym. I ran 3 miles on the treadmill and then did some of the leg machines.
This morning I took the dog for a mile walk, but I’ll do some weights or yoga or something this evening.
David and I registered for the Montour Trail 5K which is the first weekend of September. David isn’t as much of a fan of running, but he does one occasionally.
Readers’ Workouts is hosted at Joy’s Book Blog.
133.5 – Aug 12, 132.5 – Aug 19
Yeah! This sounds awesome!
It does look like a nice lake
And apparently I ran right through the middle of it, too.
That’s pretty funny that there’s a fake lake in your map. Sounds like you’re doing great on your training schedule! It’s always a good sign when you can take interruptions in your stride and plan around them.
Looks like you did pretty awesome over the week! Good luck on the 5K 🙂
Too bad that lake on the map isn’t really there! Good luck to you both on the 5K! I’ve done a few and love them! I’d like to do a 10K sometime.
My current goal is actually a 10-mile trail run in November, but I definitely have to work my way up to it.