Here’s my plan, more or less. (SS stands for strength training/stretching; CT stands for cross-training)
Since last check-in, I finished Week 8 and am repeating it. I got a cold toward the end of the week and just didn’t feel up to doing a lot of running. I’ve got a couple of weeks leeway in my schedule, so I figured repeating it won’t matter. I’m also changing my schedule a bit. I moved everything over a day, so now my “training week” starts on Tuesday instead of Monday. It’ll be easier to stick with it that way now that fall activities and school are back in. Now the actual week of that last race, I’ll probably go back to the original because I’ll want two rest days before the run.
If you read my last week’s update, you know I switched Monday and Tuesday of Week 8. On Tuesday, I ran 4 miles outside with an average pace of 11:39 min/mile and then did the 20 minutes of bar bell work, crunches, and a bit of stretching.
Wednesday I did 60 minutes on the elliptical. I was sad because I forgot both my headphones and my kindle- makes it a long hour.
I picked up a cold somewhere along the line and didn’t feel like running Thursday, so I did 25 minutes on the recumbent bike instead. I also walked the dog for a mile and was going to walk a little with my friend, but she backed out on me.
Saturday I still didn’t feel like running, but I did 5 miles on the elliptical instead, which is similar.
Monday’s now my rest day, but I took the dog for a mile walk.
This week I’ve been listening to the Lazarus Curse by Tessa Harris during my workouts.
Readers’ Workouts is hosted by Joy’s Book Blog. Thanks, Joy, for keeping me accountable.
133.5 – Aug 12, 132.5 – Aug 19, 134 – Aug 26, 132.5 – Sept 9
You are really keeping to this! Feel better!
Go you 😀
I caught and fought a cold last week too. I was worried it would have me down for the count for the rest of the week but I was guzzling orange juice and taking medicine so aggressively, I guess it didn’t stand a chance. Feeling better, thankfully, because I can’t afford to be sick right now. Too much to do. But taking care of yourself–whether by rearranging things, backing off one form of exercise for another, etc.–that’s all part of being healthy.
Glad you’re feeling better.