Published by Ten Speed Press on October 14, 2014 (first published 2010)
Source: Purchased
Genres: Home-improvement
Pages: 204
Format: Hardcover
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Despite constant efforts to declutter your home, do papers still accumulate like snowdrifts and clothes pile up like a tangled mess of noodles?
Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, promising that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you’ll never have to do it again. Most methods advocate a room-by-room or little-by-little approach, which doom you to pick away at your piles of stuff forever. The KonMari Method, with its revolutionary category-by-category system, leads to lasting results. In fact, none of Kondo’s clients have lapsed (and she still has a three-month waiting list).
With detailed guidance for determining which items in your house “spark joy” (and which don’t), this international bestseller featuring Tokyo’s newest lifestyle phenomenon will help you clear your clutter and enjoy the unique magic of a tidy home—and the calm, motivated mindset it can inspire.
Of course, I had heard about The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up before I picked it up. I knew she emphasized only keeping what brings you joy and that sounds simple enough, but there actually is more to the book than that. She gives you an order to de-clutter, starting with your clothes. She also talks about how to store things after you only have what you truly want.
I’ll grant you, some things are a little odd, like talking to your stuff and thanking you house. I’m going to talk to my things, but it does remind you to appreciate them and to let them go when they’re job has been fulfilled, whatever that job may be.
I’m not exactly following her method to a T. I did start with my clothes but didn’t spread them all out all over the living room. I don’t have that kind of time or space. 🙂 I did start with my drawers though, and I’m pretty proud of them. Look how neat and tidy and easy to find everything is. Hopefully by the end of the month I’ll start on books.
I haven’t read this book but have seen several posts on it and people seem to love it. My husband’s t-shirt drawer has 3 sections in it. After seeing Trish’s drawers, I folded one section using the KonMari method. After he saw it, he did the other two the same way. I guess I should pick the book up.
Thanks for sharing the video. It was nice to see the face behind the book. I’m reading about this book and method everywhere. I’m a tidy person by nature, so I’m not sure this would make a huge difference in my life. However, I’d like to read or listen to the book just to see. 🙂
Talk to my stuff..eh. But decluttering is good