The Sci-Fi Summer Readathon starts today. Thanks, Michelle, for hosting again this year.

From Season of Reading:

Read-a-Thon dates: Friday, June 1 at 12:00am CDT until Thursday, June 14 at 11:59pm CDT.

Since science fiction is a very specific genre, this will be strictly reading science fiction during the event. However, since fantasy is so closely related to the genre (often grouped together), if you feel more comfortable reading fantasy, that is also fine.

To check in on social media, we’ll use our new hashtag #SciFiJune

As usual, you do not have to have a blog to participate…feel free to link up and check in from Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

I’m going to try to keep my updates below, but I’m also on Twitter and Instagram. I’m starting off with Lock In by John Scalzi on audio and probably The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein in print.


Listened to about an hour of Lock In (Sci-fi/Mystery). Read 10 pages of The Gray House by Mariam Petrosyan (Fantasy).

Saturday and Sunday I didn’t get any reading done. Between graduation, parties and working in the yard, I was tired out.


Listened to about 2 hours of Lock In.


Listened to Lock In. Tried to read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, but fell asleep.


Finished Lock In, started Unlocked by John Scalzi



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