My Mother’s Day present this year is perfect. I get to spend today at the Ohioana Book Festival in Columbus, and yes my family is coming with me. I’m sure I’ll have some pictures to share with you later this week. I enjoyed it last year and have been looking forward to it.
Looking at the schedule, I’m planning on attending at least two of the panels.
Thrillers, Murders, Mystery, and Suspense
True confessions about these perennially popular genres from the authors who write in them.
Panelists: Chris Berhalter, Don Bruns, Amanda Flower, Barbara Levinson, Noam Sphancer
From Another Realm
An earthbound look at the worlds of science fiction and fantasy.
Panelists: Casey Daniels, Linda Robertson, Denise Verrico, Tim Waggoner
I’m also hoping to meet Lisa Black and Andrea Cheng. I bet Amber will enjoy talking to Mary Kay Carson, who writes books for kids about science and nature. Her newest one, The Bat Scientist, is part of the Scientists in the Field series we really like.
If you’re in Columbus today, stop by.
Don Bruns! Tell him Susan from West of Mars said hello!
He is such a great speaker. I’ve never read one of his books, but my husband has.
sounds like fun! enjoy it 😉
Have a wonderful day…I am from Ohio, too!!!
Where at in Ohio? I’m on the Eastern side.
Have a wonderful day…I am from Ohio, too…
Have a wonderful book filled lovely day!!! I am from Ohio, too!!!
I hope you’ve a great day! Enjoy 🙂
I saw this too late and we had already made plans 🙁 Hope you had a great day!
You should come next year. It’s a really nice day. The panels are great.
that sounds like the perfect mothers day.
What a perfect way to spend Mother’s Day. Happy Belated Mother’s Day Carol.