I almost didn’t post this week because my week was pretty lousy, but I decided that was silly and really kind of against the whole accountability theory. Here are my steps for the week.
Not so great. I had a bunch of family stuff to do this week, with Amber’s birthday Monday and her party Friday, driving kids around on Thursday, Solo and Ensemble Saturday, and the Steelers game Sunday. And I seem to have picked up a bit of a cold. Excuses, I know, but sometimes I’m allowed to have them, right?
My current plan is to do a core workout on Monday, cardio on Tuesday (60 mins), upper body on Wednesday, cardio on Thursday (60 mins), total body workout on Friday and cardio on Saturday (60+ mins). This week was a bust.
Tuesday – Helped shovel the driveway
Wednesday – 20 mins arms/shoulders
I need to go to the gym this evening while Amber’s at the basketball game.
I usually listen to a book while I’m walking, jogging, whatever. This week I finished All the Old Knives by Olen Steinhauer (review) and started Phoenix Rising by Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris.
I’m also doing horrible on my weight goal probably from the holidays and birthday and Steelers games. Self-control is not my strong suit. I’m up 2.2 pounds from 11/17. (My goal is to lose 11 lbs)
2016 miles: 22.25 out of 1000
How was your week? Readers’ Workouts is hosted by Joy at Joy’s Book Blog. Thanks!
I was gone from home most every day so I didn’t do as well as I wanted, but still did ok.
Some weeks are like that. Hopefully this will be a better week.
Shoveling snow is so boring
I’ll be interested to know if you liked Phoenix Rixing. I couldn’t get into it, but I didn’t give it a fair shot because I had something else I wanted to read.
So far it’s good but easy to get distracted from.