If you’re friends with me on Facebook, you may have have seen the Viking shield Amber made. Here are pictures of the shield and a couple of her and David working on it. It was her Beowulf project for English class.
Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Melinda at West Metro Mommy Reads.
It’s seriously amazing!
Thanks! They put a lot of work into it.
I agree with Patty! It’s beautiful!
Thanks! I think it turned out awesome.
She is so freaking talented
I think so too, but I’m a bit biased.
That is awesome!!
Thanks! I think she’s going to include it in her portfolio for college apps.
Wow that is very cool.
Thanks! I think she did a great job.
WOW! What an awesome shield! Our boys made shields when they were little, but they were just painted on foam core. This one is amazing!
Book By Book
I took a lot of work but I think it ended up really nice. It’s a shame her English teacher will probably ask to keep it and of course Amber’ll say yes.