The Rembrandt Affair by Daniel Silva

Instead of the usual review, today I’m answering questions inspired by the book. The questionnaire was provided by the publisher for this TLC book tour.

If you were to write a blurb in fewer than three sentences for The Rembrandt Affair, what would it be?

Gabriel Allon, spy, assassin and art restorer, is asked to recover a stolen Rembrandt. The painting’s past is covered in blood, and following its trail leads Allon back into the world of international intrigue.

Gabriel Allon is a talented spy and assassin, but also a master art restorer.  If you could have two careers that seem to be complete opposites, what would they be?

Since we’re talking fiction, I’m going to assume I don’t actually need to have the skills or knowledge, right? I would love to own a bookstore and be a photographer. Of course, I would like some danger and adventure thrown in their somewhere, but I guess that might go along with photography, depending on my choice in subjects.

What three words would you use to describe the character of Gabriel Allon?

  • Intelligent
  • Creative
  • Dangerous

The Rembrandt Affair takes the reader all over the world.  Of all the locations mentioned, which would be your ideal vacation spot?

If I had to choose one, I think I’d pick Switzerland. It just seems so beautiful.

Art theft plays a major role in the novel.  If no crime were involved, what piece of art would you like to have in your home?

Bridge over the Riou, André Derain. At least that’s my answer today. Actually, the first thing that popped into my mind was a painting of trees that I saw once in an article on Fauvism, but I can’t remember who painted it and I can’t seem to find it on-line.

Zoe Reed is a powerful female character in the novel.  Tell us about an influential woman in your life.

I have to go with my mom. She’s encouraged me from when I was young to now to be myself, to follow my interests and to develop my strengths. She also loves reading, which doesn’t hurt.

Who was your favorite “good guy” in The Rembrandt Affair and why?

Gabriel Allon, of course. Actually, this is the first book I’ve read in the series and he is just simply a fascinating, complex character.

All of the technology discussed in the novel is real.  Does any of it surprise you?

Not really. Anymore I expect technology to astound/scare me.

What celebrity would play Gabriel Allon if The Rembrandt Affair were on the big screen?

I’m horrible at this kind of question. Actually, I’d like to see an “unknown” play him, someone who I don’t associate with other roles, who can really become Gabriel for me. I can see it being a good movie, though. After all, I couldn’t put down the book.[tweetmeme source= “carolsnotebook” only_single=false]

Published July 20, 2010 by Putnam Adult
Gabriel Allon #10
448 pages

I received my copy from the publisher for review and the above is my honest opinion. I am an Amazon associate.


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