Guest Post by Suzanne Jenkins, author of Pam of Babylon (with Kindle Fire Giveaway)

Guest Post by Suzanne Jenkins, author of Pam of Babylon (with Kindle Fire Giveaway)

Today, I'm happy to welcome Suzanne Jenkins, author of Pam of Babylon, to my notebook. She's sharing today about the difficulties of writing about subjects that make some folks uncomfortable. This Makes Me Uncomfortable As I began writing in earnest two years ago, the inspiration to tell a story about an older woman whodiscovered her beloved husband’s infidelity after he died came from out of nowhere.  Pam of Babylon simply appeared in my consciousness and I wrote it as I thought of it.  Later, a quote by E.L. Doctorow would confirm my writing style was not unusual.  He said, “Writing is like driving a car in the dark.  You only see as far as the headlights go, but you can make the whole trip that way.”  Those words validated me. An encounter with an editor who did not like my story line made me doubt the wisdom of spending another second writing.  She asked me to do an outline before I began...
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Guest Post: Linda Schroeder, Author of Artists & Thieves (with Kindle Fire Giveaway)

Guest Post: Linda Schroeder, Author of Artists & Thieves (with Kindle Fire Giveaway)

Today I'm happy to welcome Linda Schroeder, author of Artists & Thieves, to my notebook to share a bit of her thoughts on the supernatural. I'll be posting my thoughts on the books, which I enjoyed, later this week. A TOUCH OF THE SUPERNATURAL In San Diego, we have a clairvoyant in Little Italy, Tarot card readers in Balboa Park, and ghosts in the Whaley House in Old Town. And my mother always swore that the poltergeist who lived in her house hid her car keys on a daily basis and threw away her electric bill just when she needed to pay it. Me? I’m skeptical. But sometimes the supernatural is just what a plot needs. My book, Artists & Thieves, is an art mystery involving a Chinese bronze bowl used by an ancient oracle to predict the future. The bowl is stolen from the oracle and lies buried for centuries until looters dig it up. Enter present day greed. The desire to possess the bowl...
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Guest post: Judy Christie, author of Hurry Less, Worry Less for Moms

Guest post: Judy Christie, author of Hurry Less, Worry Less for Moms

Today, I'm happy to welcome Judy Christie, author of Hurry Less, Worry Less for Moms. I'll be sharing my thoughts on her book tomorrow. Take a fresh look to make life easier By Judy Christie A frequent visitor to our Louisiana backyard bird feeders is a persistent squirrel, who I watch with a blend of awe and aggravation. He spends an amazing amount of effort to get to one particular feeder, stretching, hanging upsidedown, falling off and getting back on. While I admire his tenacity, he isn’t very smart: The same food is laid out plentifully on two easily accessible feeders nearby. He makes this much harder than it should be. If you’ve ever found yourself doing this, too, your busy schedule keeping you from enjoying each day, consider these tips: ** Slow down. You can’t do everything. When you say “no” to one thing, you say “yes” to something else. ** Identify what gives you energy and what drains your energy. Look for ways to do more...
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G is for Guest

G is for Guest

G is for guest and today I'm pleased to welcome Lisa April Smith, author of Exceeding Expectations, to my notebook. Today, she's sharing a little about her writing process. My Approach to Writing by Lisa April Smith I’m often asked at book events, “Are you ever stymied by writer’s block?” And I am delighted to reply that I’ve never experienced writer’s block. I think the reason for that has to do with my concept of work. When I was at IBM I didn’t ask myself if I was in the mood to do something. I looked at the tasks at hand, prioritized them and got to it. In the process of constructing a book, I have many varied ways to be productive. Editing. Plotting. Incorporating my latest epiphany. Creating a calendar so that I know how old characters are during the time frame of the story. I maintain a separate file that has the physical appearance, ethnicity and traits of every significant character. Except when...
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Guest Post: Gordon Gumpertz, author of Red Hot Sky

Today, I'm happy to welcome Gordon Gumpertz, author of Red Hot Sky, with an interesting point about life on our little planet. Escape to a New Planet By Gordon Gumpertz Coffee, tea, or milk? What would you order if you had to sit in coach class for 20 years while your starship raced through outer space at the speed of light?  That's how long it would take to reach the nearest planet discovered so far that may have an atmosphere that could support human life. That is, if man someday develops the technology to transport people at the speed of light (about 300 million miles per second).The planet called Gliese 581d has 6 times the mass of earth, and lies within its star's habitable zone which could mean a temperate climate and, hopefully, air and water. If the human race is to survive beyond a billion years from now, such a trip will be necessary. Those of us living on planet earth today are...
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Guest Post: Fiona Ingram, author of The Secret of the Sacred Scarab

I am delighted to have Fiona Ingram, author of The Secret of the Sacred Scarab, guest posting at my notebook today. My regular readers know how much I value reading with my daughter and Fiona has the same outlook. By the way, Amber and I read Fiona's book together; look for a review on Feb 7. How Reading Draws Families Together By Fiona Ingram Carol’s motto at the top of her blog ‘The end of reading is not more books but more life’ made me think about how reading can draw families together. Reading with your child, or sharing activities that involve reading is a wonderful pastime with so many benefits. Not only does this special ‘together time’ strengthen the bond between you and your child, but it enables you to monitor your child’s progress. You’ll see the growth of your child’s vocabulary, awareness of the world, social behavior skills, listening skills, confidence, and many other developmental aspects. However, in a busy day filled...
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