Guest Post: Wayne Zurl, author of A New Prospect
Today, I am happy to welcome Wayne Zurl to my notebook. He is the author of A New Prospect and is here to talk a little about his book.
The Road to New Prospect
When I began writing the story of ex-New York Detective Sam Jenkins becoming police chief in Prospect, Tennessee, I used the working title, Murder in the Smokies. After my second major rewrite, I changed it to A New Prospect. I hope changing titles isn’t bad luck like changing the name of a boat.
The first title focused on a murder, and for a new author writing a murder mystery today, he had better produce a body and start an investigation right up front if he wants to please an agent or editor. I didn’t do that, nor did I intend to.
Never being one to do things the easy way, I wanted the book to be more about people than the crime or the big question, “Who dunnit?” A commissioner...