Roaring Laughter

Today's Daily Post asks, "What was the last thing that gave you a real, authentic, tearful, hearty belly laugh? Why was it so funny?" My first thought was the other night at dinner when Amber got carried away by her water, but I didn't want to embarrass her too much, so instead it's picture time. We were laughing so hard as Amber took these the other night. We had gotten to the stadium early to get a seat, which is my idea and they usually complain. so, to waster time, Amber took pictures with my phone. After about a million photos of grass and pop cans, she started goofing around with the "cartoon" setting. It really was funny. Here are the best of the three of us cartoonized....
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Saturday Snapshot

Yes, I know it's Monday, but I took these photos on Saturday, so that counts, right? Saturday evening we went to the DCI (Drum Corps International) show in Akron and had a blast. David was in the Bluecoats when he was younger, but we haven't been to a show for ages. Now that Amber's starting marching band this year, we thought it would be a good time to take her and one of her friends. The bands are just amazing, both musically and their marching. Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Melinda at West Metro Mommy Reads....
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Saturday Snapshot

I thought I'd share a couple of pictures from my week. Amber's last middle school concert was Thursday - next year she's a freshman. Afterwards, a bunch of the kids and some of the parents headed over to Tim Hortons for donuts and ice cream. I have to image the staff hates to see us coming. Amber's the one sitting down in the black sweatshirt. Earlier today we went garage sale-ing up at the lake. Poor Scrappy got a little worn out. In this photo, we're waiting on a corner for David to come with the car and pick us up. Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Melinda at West Metro Mommy Reads....
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