I ran in a 5K last weekend in Wheeling. My time was 31:56 which was little quicker than in the spring and really good for me, especially after last week's trip to Hershey.
Wordless Wednesday...
This evening is my 20-year reunion, so I thought I'd show off a couple of picture from way back then. The first is one of my senior photos; the second is of David and me at Kennywood the summer following my senior year.
Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Melinda of West Metro Mommy Reads.
David, Amber and I spent this weekend at family canoe camp - no work, no tv, my cell phone didn't even get a signal. It was nice to take a weekend off.
Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads - and once again I'm a day late. Seems to be a pattern lately....
Saturday, David, Amber and I went to the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. I had a good time looking at all the cars, vintage and new, watching the time trials and eating. The weather was beautiful, too.