Spotlight on Courting Danger by Kimberly Dean

Excerpt: ‘Hello? Is anyone here?’ A low voice rumbled down the hallway, and her chest tightened. It was a man, but she didn’t recognise the voice. For a moment, she considered remaining quiet, but she licked her lips and made herself step forward. She was overreacting. If she wasn’t, there was an emergency call button hidden under the lip of her desktop. Security could be here in less than a minute if she needed them. She returned to the lobby and scanned the area. Her gaze came to a screeching halt when it landed on the man who was already looking in her direction. Oh. Wow. Her wariness didn’t decrease, but a different kind of awareness flooded her. ‘Hello?’ she said huskily. Somehow he’d known she was there, yet he seemed taken aback. His weight slowly rocked back from the balls of his feet, and his eyes narrowed. They were blue eyes. Startling blue. ‘Good evening.’ She wasn’t overreacting. The guy had danger written all over him,...
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Spotlight: Rise of the Iron Eagle by Roy A. Teel, Jr.

Excerpt from the opening of Chapter 8: John walked into Starbucks at the corner of Topanga and Lassen just before six thirty a.m. He got a coffee and a copy of the Daily News, and the headline said it all, “‘Billy the Kid,’ Crips Gang Member and Serial Rapist, Body Found in Legion Park: Iron Eagle Said to Be Killer.” He shook his head, “I should really start looking for the people who leak this stuff.” He walked to a flower shop a few doors down to purchase a dozen long-stemmed red roses. His truck was parked in front of Country Deli, a local landmark for nearly fifty years. He knew the area very, very well, but he knew it for all the wrong reasons. He pulled out of the lot and headed west through the neighborhoods of oak and eucalyptus trees, following Lassen as it turned from a busy thoroughfare into a quiet neighborhood of post-World War II homes and...
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Hope for Troubled Boys

More years ago than I care to admit, I worked at a children's home for boys who couldn't stay with their parents and had trouble finding foster homes. Most of them were "troubled," but there were still good kids. I do believe that there is hope for troubled boys. And I've seen that a safe environment that helps them learn to control their behavior, that encourages them and helps them develop their strengths can make a difference. I know there are parents who may think that there is not anything left that they can do for their troubled child. They look at their son and believe that he is destined for a life filled with hardships because he seems too unruly to control. Many of these parents turn to family and friends for help, but they are not successful in helping their son. However, these parents do not have to give up hope. Juvenile Detention And Boot Camps Often Do Not Work Some parents believe...
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Spotlight: Budapest Romance by Rozsa Gaston

Excerpt: How could she not notice being noticed? Floating in a thermal bath pool at a spa hotel in Budapest, Kati discreetly eyed the rugged blond man lounging in the next pool. He had glanced in her direction several times over the past two days. She was mourning the death of her father the month before, and was in no shape to be looking at the opposite sex. But the man's shaggy, blond hair had caught her eye that first evening in the pools; it had wandered down over his shoulders and powerful chest as well. Béla Dunai would have forgiven her, she knew. At that moment, the man lifted his head and looked directly at her. Immediately, she pretended to be studying the clock on the wall behind him. She hoped he was too far away to notice the blush that had sprung onto her face. She wanted to pass for a sophisticated European woman while in Hungary. But here she was, blushing...
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Spotlight: Cracks in the Sidewalk by Bette Lee Crosby

About Cracks in the Sidewalk: A powerful story that is a heart-wrenching reminder of how fragile relationships can be. Cracks in the Sidewalk is based on a true story. Claire McDermott is a wife, a mother, a grandmother... Her only daughter is gravely ill... Her son-in-law is resentful and angry... Her grandchildren are missing... After years of writing letters, hoping to find the children, hoping to bring them back, Claire receives a reply...a dog-eared gray envelope is stuffed into her mailbox, but will it bring hope or simply put an end to the waiting? Can a single letter change the lives of four people? Claire McDermott and her grandchildren are about to discover letters are a journey of the heart which can ultimately deliver people to their destination. Reviews for Cracks in the Sidewalk: "Elizabeth is a woman whose sole purpose in life is to be a good wife and mother. She has no care in the world but to accomplish these goals and she...
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Spotlight: Ghost of the Gods by Kevin Bohacz

Title: Ghost of the Gods Genre: Techno-Thriller Author: Kevin Bohacz Publisher: Mazel & Sechel Purchase at AMAZON Was it the accumulated wounds to the environment that had finally triggered the nanotech plague or was it simply one more step in a shrewdly crafted plan to replace us with humans 2.0? As I write this at least one pair of these transhumans breathe the same air as us, and there are likely many more. They may look like us, they may even be almost human, but they are also cybernetic and will live for an extraordinary length of time. Trust me, their goals are not the same as ours. It was not a natural plague that almost drove humankind to extinction but an attack from within, turning our own biology against us. Scientists discovered all too late an artificial entity, a sentient machine foolishly created in the image of god, had been studying us and genetically altering us for longer than we can imagine. Perhaps it...
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