
Congratulations to the winners of Rion by Susan Kearney. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. Freda Mans Vicki Wurgler Jackie B Teresa W. Kelly I'll be e-mailing you all in the morning. I just need your address to pass on to the wonderful people at Hachette Book Group....
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Congratulations to the winners of The Cowboy's Christmas Miracle by RaeAnne Thayne. I hope you enjoy it. Kim V Joyful stacybuckeye Yvonne I'll be sending an e-mail out to all of you shortly. I'll just need your mailing addresses so I can get the books out to you. Thanks....
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Congrats! You won Permission Slips by Sherri Shepherd. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. a real librarian blueviolet Melissa Dawn M. Deidre I will be e-mailing you all tonight or tomorrow. I just need your mailing address to pass on to the publisher. My copy was provided by the publisher for review. I am an Amazon Associate....
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Congratulations to the winners of Sex, Drugs & Gefilte Fish edited by Shana Liebman. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. jacque Debbie W. J.T. Oldfield from Bibliofreak Cassondra Jessica from Vent I'll be e-mailing all the winners. I just need your mailing addresses to pass on to the publisher. Update: One of my winners was lucky enough to win this book somewhere, so I have a new winner. Ryan from Wordsmithonia...
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