Phantom Limb
Phantom Limb by Theresa Kishkan
From the cover:
Phantom Limb invites readers to explore culture and nature by looking at landscape and place through a series of historical lenses, ranging from natural history to family history to the broader notions of regional and human history. In her popular essay "month of wild berries picking" Theresa Kishkan reveals the extent to which native stories articulate the complexity and importance of rules that govern relationships between species. In essays such as "The One Currach Returning Alone" and "Well" she explores her affinity with Ireland, the weight of its history, the peace of its geography, the roads that lead to collective memory, or the magic of its wishing wells. Other travel essays remind us of the tolerance and diversity that new cultures elicit from us, while teaching us how bound we are to the soil and air of our homes. What resonates throughout this collection is a rich lyricism and a distinctive visceral imagery. Though...