The Readaholics and the Poirot Puzzle by Laura DiSilverio
The Readaholics and the Poirot Puzzle is right up my aisle. Amy-Faye is an event planner, but more importantly, she's a member of a mystery book club. This month they're reading Murder on the Orient Express, one of my favorites, so of course when a murder occurs, more than one of the readaholics is thinking it might be a conspiracy.
This is the first in the series I've read but I had no trouble jumping right into the characters and their lives. Amy-Faye has organized the grand opening of her brother's new brewery, but his business partner is found dead in the dumpster in the middle of the party—probably not good for business, definitely not good for her brother who gets arrested. Of course, Amy-Faye and the gang have to clear her brother's name and keep the brewery running.
Amy-Faye and her friends are fun to hang out with. They each have their own careers and quirks, they're very different from each...