Guest Post: “On Becoming an Author” by Leslie Tentler, author of Fallen
I'm happy to welcome Leslie Tentler, author of Fallen, to my blog today. She's talking about how she went from reader to write and mentions a couple of books I read when I was a kid.
On Becoming an Author
By Leslie Tentler
It’s sometimes said that authors start off as avid readers who begin to desire even more immersion into fictional worlds. Simply reading becomes not enough, so we begin to dabble in creating worlds of our own, daydreaming stories until finally we attempt the task of putting those ideas on paper (or these days, the computer screen).
For many authors, I believe this path is true.
As a child, I never planned to be a novelist, but I did have a strong imagination. And I also loved to read. My particular favorites were Nancy Drew mysteries. I’d learned the general timeframe in which new ones arrived at our local “Rose’s” – a discount retailer similar to Target or Wal-Mart in our small Southern...