On Our Way to Oyster Bay by Monica Kulling
Good points:
Excellent introduction to Mother Jones and her cause. To be honest, I had never heard of her before and found her fascinating.
Told from a kid's point of view, allowing children to relate
Takes others' problems, like child labor, and reminds us that Americans have dealt with the same issues
Very good artwork, detailed and added to the story
Includes factual information for parents/adults at the end
Gives a call to action encouraging children that they can make a difference in the world
Negative points:
I can't see this one being any kids favorite. It's good and historical, just not engrossing.
May need some explanations, depending. Some kids may not be familiar with the sewing machinery terms, some may not even be familiar with what a strike is.
It's disappointing that the kids don't actually get to meet President Roosevelt.
A good one to borrow from the library.
A must-buy for an elementary school classroom library.