In the Wick of Time by Valona Jones

In the Wick of Time by Valona Jones

I really wanted to like In the Wick of Time. it has so many good points - good setting, Christmas, quirky characters, even a bit of magic, but it was just lacking for me. Tabby and Sage are not women I want to hang out with. Well, Tabby maybe, at least she seem semi-sensible most of the time. Sage, however is selfish and whiny. The magic in this world was a little confusing. Tabby and Sage are energy users, I think, but other people cast spells and enchantments. Apparently the cops know magic exists, but Tabby's boyfriend doesn't - or maybe he does, I'm not sure. There was also one scene between an energy vampire and Sage that made me uncomfortable and wasn't really dealt with. The mystery itself was fine, even if the killer's motive was pretty weak. I don't think I'll pick up any more in the series....
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