Half-baked Holidays by Kat Bastion

Half-baked Holidays by Kat Bastion

Half-Baked Holidays is a collection of novellas full of romance and holiday fun. They're short and pretty much rely on love at first meeting, but I thoroughly enjoyed them. All of the characters are charming or adorable or sexy. The stories are light, with attraction and flirting and learning about themselves and each other, but no major complications, no major tensions, just sweet stories. There's no cheating on each other, no love triangles. There's also no sex, just plenty of kissing and holding hands and cookies and hot chocolate. I don't know that I had a favorite story - they all made me smile. ...
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Christmas at Snowflake Lodge by C.P. Ward

Christmas at Snowflake Lodge by C.P. Ward

Can I please go to Snowflake Lodge for Christmas? It's a magical place with decorations and hot chocolate and the nicest staff. There's skiing and ice skating and sleigh rides pulled by real reindeer. Jessica is there to work - she's a plumber, and to keep an eye on her grandfather. She's also escaping from her terrible renter/roommate. Honestly, I wanted to escape from Doreen too. I didn't enjoy the scenes with Doreen and her friends. She was a really awful person and I don't understand why Jessica put up with any of it. Once Jessica decides to take the job at Snowflake Lodge, the book becomes a fun read. Grandpa is a great character, funny and adventurous, and maybe a bit of a skirt chaser. Jessica's love interest, James, is sexy and sweet. Christmas at Snowflake Lodge is part romance and part family reunion, and almost everyone gets a happy ending. ...
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Christmas at the Chateau by Lorraine Wilson (with giveaway)

Christmas at the Chateau by Lorraine Wilson (with giveaway)

I love Poppy. She's an artist who has followed her dream to France, has adorable puppies and is in love with the perfect man. Christmas at the Chateau is a sweet romance, perfect for holiday reading. It's short, but the characters are charming and kind. The treasure hunt was cute even if the treasure itself was a bit predictable. I do love a Christmas romance with a happy ending. Giveaway to Win a Signed paperback copy of ‘Poppy’s Place in the Sun’ (1st book in the ‘A French Escape‘ series), hand-embroidered makeup bag (made by the author) and some artisanal French chocolates (Open INT) a Rafflecopter giveaway *Terms and Conditions –Worldwide entries welcome. Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below. The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative...
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Once Upon a Christmas Eve by Elizabeth Hoyt

Once Upon a Christmas Eve by Elizabeth Hoyt

Once Upon a Christmas Eve made me smile. Adam is a bit of a scoundrel, but has a soft heart, and even though he definitely deserves his reputation with women, he never "ruins" anyone. Sarah has run into at least one rake before, knows Adam and know his type and doesn't want anything to do with him. So of course, in between their verbal jabs and avoiding each other, they fall in love. They make a good couple who will keep each other on their toes. This is a novella, so the romance progresses quickly. To be honest, I wish the story had been longer. I would have liked to see more of Sarah and Adam and had their relationship progress a little more evenly. I love the Christmas house party setting and especially the last scene. I may have to read more of Hoyt's books soon. This was a wonderful Christmas romance — sweet and fun and a tad bit steamy....
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I’m Scheming of a White Christmas by Kate O’Keeffe

I’m Scheming of a White Christmas by Kate O’Keeffe

Do you ever get to the end of a story or book and think wow, I'm glad that was a freebie? That's how I felt about I'm Scheming of a White Christmas. The blurb made it sound like a cute holiday romance, and while there aren't many reviews on Goodreads, they're positive. My two stars will drag the average down a little. Tilly had potential as a character. She's finally living and working in New York City. She has a job that fits her well and working in a department store is a perfect set up for a Christmas story. When the guy she had a crush in high school shows up, she gets tongue-tied, nervous, the whole nine yards. Happily, he invites her to a party in spite of her awkwardness. The catch is that even though now she's beautiful, in high school she was a bit of a nerd and he was incredibly mean to her. She and her roommate...
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Heart Note by Cassandra O’Leary

Heart Note by Cassandra O’Leary

I love a sweet holiday romance and "Heart Note" fits the bill. Lily is adorable and Christos is sexy as all get out. Sparks start flying from the minute they meet, and I honestly liked them both. It was light-hearted and fun. Their romance is believable, and their are a couple of steamy-ish parts, but nothing to make you blush. They are just a good couple. The other ladies who work at the perfume counter are enjoyable too. One's very Parisian and the other is a bit of a gossip, but I can see why they are all friends. The mystery aspect of the plot was a bit lacking, but that's not really the focus anyway. The bad guy gets caught, Christos has to save Lily from a moderate amount of trouble, but it definitely doesn't overshadow the romance. The story takes place at Christmas in Australia, which makes it a bit different for me. It's summer there this time of year, so...
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