Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
I finished Something Wicked This Way Comes several days ago, but have been putting off writing about it. Usually I put my thoughts down as soon as I can after finishing a book - I'm notoriously forgetful and if I wait too long I lose a lot of most books. It has to make a major impression to stay with me longer than a week or two. But I don't know how I feel about this one.
I listened to Something Wicked This Way Comes for the read along hosted by Michelle at Castle Macabre. It's not something I would have picked up on my own. First, I'm not a huge horror fan. Second, I tend to avoid books that have children/teenagers as the main characters.
The good:
The writing is gorgeous! It makes even the small everyday things seem magical.
The hero is a middle-aged library janitor who loves books.
The carnival and Dark are downright spooky.
The bad:
The writing made everything...