Schmuck the Buck by EXO Books
I'm not quite sure who the audience is for Schmuck the Buck. It seems like a children's Christmas book. We have a cute rhyming text and bright colorful illustrations. We have the underdog (or under-reindeer) who saves the day. There's even a lesson:
Schmuck said, "We have our differences, that's for sure,
But we're all the same at the core.
Christmas isn't just about gifts, but the love underneath,
So it really doesn't matter your religious belief.
We give because we care, we love, and want to please,
So there's room for every one of us under out Christmas trees."
I'm not sure it's a good lesson. I think it probably depends on the family. I know a lot of people celebrate Christmas, even people who don't call themselves Christian. In our house, however, it's definitely a religious holiday. It's about love and giving and family too, but this is not a book I personally would buy.
So, on the one hand it seems like a kids book,...