Murder Under the Mistletoe by Sherry Lynn
Kinsley, a landscape artist, owns SeaScapes, a business she runs from her cottage behind her aunt's inn. The town of Harborside hires her to decorate for Christmas and throughout the year, but when local alderman Chris Chesterfield—dressed up as the Grinch, right down to the green face paint—falls off the pier and into the icy Atlantic the night of the annual Boat Parade & Fireworks, Kinsley becomes a person of interest. Lots of people knew Kinsley and Chris didn't get along, and several had witnessed them arguing on the day of his death.
I liked Kinsley and her friends and family. They're believable and I like how they all have to do their jobs in addition to working on the case. Kinsley's brother. Kyle. is home for the holidays on leave, but I didn't love the questions around how their parents died. I'm just not a fan of that whole overarching family mystery arc.
The mystery was fine with...