The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
I usually don't review Sherlock Holmes books. Let's be honest, everyone reading this knows who the character is and most will either love him or not. It also won't surprise anyone that I love the stories and novels, some more than others of course. This collection is probably my favorite and the reason I chose it when I was looking for something I felt like reading that is in the public domain (for a challenge). The stories are clever and entertaining. Holmes is at his best. We meet Irene Adler and the horrible Dr. Grimesby Roylott.
I listened to the audio this time, narrated by Stephen Fry who did a fabulous job. I wasn't surprised by any of the twists or turns - I've read them all multiple times, but enjoy them none the less.
We also watched Sherlock Holmes (2009) starring Robert Downey, Jr. and Jude Law, which is always fun. I really like how Holmes is portrayed and...