A Wedding and a Killing by Lauren Carr

Earlier today, you got to read a bit about Mac Faraday's life from his point of view. My first meeting with him and Archie Monday, his girlfriend was in A Wedding and a Killing. At #8 in the series, it worked fine as a stand-alone for me, although I may have enjoyed it a little more had I known the characters longer. I find that with a lot of series books, they work on their own, but they work better as a whole. I have to admit that when I saw this was touring, I decided to read it because I enjoyed Lauren Carr's  guest post in May, "My Mother Isn’t a Psychopath, She’s a Mystery Writer," so much. It was funny and true and gave me high hopes for her stories. A Wedding and a Killing was a quick read and I really like Mac. He's a good guy, a little gruff around the edges, but a hear of gold,...
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