Untimely Death by Elizabeth J. Duncan
Untimely Death was my last read for R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril this year. I do enjoy this event. Thanks goes to the Estella Society for hosting this year.
Untimely Death started out a little rough for me. Foreshadowing's all well and good, but phrases like "but this year was going to be different; changes were coming. She could feel it." and, on the very next page, "And although she'd never been part of a real-life murder, that was about to change," are a bit heavy-handed, especially for what is quite clearly a cozy murder mystery. Happily it improved.
There are certain settings I tend to enjoy, and behind the scene at a play is one of them. Charlotte, a talented costume, is our amateur sleuth who just so happens to be dating one of the local policemen. I liked her a lot. She just seemed like a good, nice person, who knows her job and the theater well. the other characters are well-developed, especially her assistant Aaron,...