Winter’s Respite Readathon
The Winter's Respite Readathon starts tomorrow. I'm up for some time spent reading under blankets with a cup of hot chocolate waiting for spring. The readathons starts at midnight tonight and end at 11:59 pm on February 28. Head over to Seasons of Reading if you'd like to sign up. It also includes 24-hour event on Saturday, February 22 starting at 10:00 am. The hashtag is #WintersRespite. I'll probably keep updates here, instagram, and maybe bluesky.
Books finished:
A Death in Diamonds by S. J. Bennett
A Victim at Valentine’s by Ellie Alexander
Miss Marple: The Complete Short Stories by Agatha Christie
How to Piss Off Men by Kyle Prue
My Fatal Valentine by Leighann Dobbs
In the Shadow of Agatha Christie edited by Leslie S. Klinger
How to Seal Your Own Fate by Kristen Perrin
The Diva Steals a Chocolate Kiss by Krista Davis
The Serpent Under by Bonnie MacBird
Bat Eater and Other Names for Cora Zeng by Kylie Lee Baker
24 - Hour event wrap-up
And Then There Were None...