Spotlight on In It for the Money by David Burnsworth

Read an excerpt: Chapter One Lowcountry, South Carolina, early June, Thursday morning The old rotary phone sitting on the desk refused to ring. No matter how much Blu Carraway wanted it to. He looked out the window of his makeshift office at the surrounding marsh and sighed. Crumpled up in his right hand was the latest tax assessment, in his left was an electronic cigarette. Without thinking, he took a hit off the vaporizer, which replaced Camels as his only vice. Well, that and pirated satellite TV. And still the receiver remained silent. One more good job. It was all he needed. Then Charleston County would be happy for another year, and he’d get to keep his little island home. Just. One. Good. Job. The hula girl on his desk a Desert Storm buddy had given him when he first hung out his PI shingle bobbled at him as if to say, “How long did you think you could keep this up, tough guy?” He swatted her off the...
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