Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about your to be read list…
As a follow up to last week’s question, Joseph asked how you keep track of your tbr list. Do you have a paper list or on your computer? Do you take it with you when you go shopping? How do you decide what gets added to it?
I keep track of my to-read list on It’s slightly out of control, though, since I add just about every book I’m even remotely interested in. I tend to order most of my books on-line or put them on hold through my library’s website, which makes it easy to refer to my list. When I actually go shopping at bookstores, I usually pick up whatever catches my eye, whether it’s on my list or not.
Mine is out of control too! That is why I wanted to know how everyone else kept track of all those TBR books. Your the second person who has referred to Goodreads. I just started really using it last week. Perhaps it is the “one true way” after all.
Mine is out of control too! That doesn’t keep me from buying more though.
I wouldn’t mind if mine was out of control as long as it was consolidated in one place!