IMG_4047Permission Slips: Every Woman’s Guide to Giving Herself a Break by Sherri Shepherd with Laurie Kilmartin

I’ve never watched The View and I’m not a big fan of stand-up comedy, but after reading Permission Slips, I officially love Sherri Shepherd. She tackles issues from child-rearing to bad boyfriends, from faith to family with humor and aplomb. She tells the truth about herself and about life, but is hilarious at the same time.

Write yourself a permission slip to love the wrong guy. Just don’t marry him. (pg. 63)

She had me laughing out loud, both at the situations she found herself in and how often I could relate to what she was saying.

And one look at my apartment proves I kept that promise to myself. It is a pigsty, or so I’m told. I don’t notice, because I don’t care. My housekeeping motto is “Carpe Diem.” As in, seize the day, and don’t waste a second of it scrubbing a dang toilet. (pg. 231)

I can definitely relate. One of Amber’s friend’s mom stopped over the other day and I had to warn her before she went into the bathroom that it was covered by a carpet of clothes – literally.

The book is funny, touching and inspiring. Sherri knows how many roles women can fill – wife, mother, daughter, employee, boss. She knows it’s impossible to be perfect and tells us to give ourselves “permission slips” and accept who we are.  She encourages us to follow our dreams, even though it may not be the easiest thing to do.

I have to share one more tidbit from the book and anyone who knows me in real life will understand why. Sherri is talking about her 20-year reunion.

It was a relief to accept myself. To say, “I’m a mom. I’m a daughter. I’m a friend. I love being here. And I don’t remember anybody’s name.” (pg. 153)

I would recommend this book to any woman who can look at life and realize that sometimes the struggles and triumphs can be just downright funny, that we do our best, make mistakes, and keep right on going.

Interested? Thanks to Hachette Book Group, I have five copies to give away. To enter, just leave a comment below by November 6. I will announce the winners on the 7th, which by the way is the one year mark for my blog. Sharing somehow, somewhere will get you an extra entry or two, just make sure to let me know. US and Canada only, no PO boxes.

My copy was provided by the publisher for review and the above is my honest opinion. I am an Amazon Associate.


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