The Cowboy’s Christmas Miracle by RaeAnne Thayne

The term “cowboy” is a little misleading. Carson McRaven is no ordinary cowboy. He does own a new ranch with horses and cattle, but he also owns a billion dollar multinational tech company. Jenna Wheeler, a widow with four children, is his neighbor and the former owner of his land. The two manage to live near each other in relative peace, although the kids always run amok on Carson’s land. But, when Carson has business associates come in to town right before Christmas, he needs some help, and Jenna is the perfect chef to turn to.

Of course, sparks fly, gazes are lingering and passion-filled. Carson learns to open his heart and Jenna learns that he’s the perfect man for her.

She smiled against his chest, even as she fought tears of joy. “I get it now. You just love me for my snickerdoodles.”

He laughed softly and it was the sweetest sound she had ever heard. “And your spinach rolls. And your pumpkin cheesecake. And your crostinis. And your hot cocoa with whipped cream and peppermint candy. And your…” (pg. 207)

This really is just a sweet romance, and Christmas is integral to it. The Wheelers share their traditions with Carson, who realizes just how much he’s missed, how much he’s shut himself away from everyone. The only thing standing in Carson and Jenna’s way is their own mistrust of their feelings.

It’s a romantic, heart-warming wonderful story, definitely PG. And I have four extras to giveaway. I know it’s after Christmas now, but you can always set it on the shelf for next year. So, if you’re interested and live in the US, just leave a comment below. I’ll pick a random winner on January 18.

My copy was sent to me as a gift from the Harlequin Ambassadors program and the above is my honest opinion. I am an Amazon associate.


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