The Story Bag

"The Story Bag" I love today's story, which comes from Korea. It's about a boy who always wanted to be told new stories by everyone he met. He kept all the stories in a bag, never letting them out. Eventually, the boy grows up and is about to be married. The stories, tired of being trapped, conspire together to kill the boy, each deciding what they will turn themselves into. One decides to be poisonous berries, another a red-hot iron skewer, a third dangerous snakes. Each would position himself along the trail to the bride's home or in the bridal bed itself. A loyal servant overhears their plans and saves the young man, telling him what happened only after the last of the threats has been defeated. That is why when stories are heard they must never be stored away to become mean and spiteful, but must always be shared with other people. In this way they are passed from one person...
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The Time Pirate by Ted Bell

The Time Pirate by Ted Bell (Suggested reading level: Grades 5-8) I read this aloud with Amber (10), and she and I have entirely different opinions of it, and, David, who listened in on most of it, pretty much agrees with her, which makes me think that I just wasn't the right audience. It's 1940, Nick McIver, a 12 year-old boy must defend his home, a small British island, against the looming Nazi invasion. But the Nazis are not his only enemies; using a time-travel device invented by da Vinci, he also battles 18th-century pirates who've kidnapped his sister. To further confuse things, the pirates, who are equipped with a time-travel device of their own, threaten to change the outcome of the American Revolution. Nick feels compelled to help General Washington and his troops, even though doing so makes him a traitor, because he knows that the support of the United States will become crucial...
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Congrats to the winners of A McKaslin Homecoming by Jillian Hart. I hope you, or your mom, enjoy this inspirational romance. Cindy Woolard karenk Anna (Diary of an Eccentric) Dawn M. I'll be e-mailing you all shortly. I just need your addresses so I can get the book in the mail to you. I am an Amazon associate....
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The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer

The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer When we have confidence in God and His love and kindness, we can progress to living confidently and enjoying the life He wants for us.  (pg. 6) Throughout this book, Meyer gives points on how to have that confidence through scripture, examples and her personal testimony. I like that she writes in a straight-forward, down-to-earth way, so positive, wanting every woman to see that no matter what her past involves or where she is now, she can be that confident woman she was created to be. Meyer discusses the the characteristics of a confident woman and how to overcome the fears and stress that sometimes stand in our way. I can see this being a very inspirational book, with concrete steps to take. I liked the advice to do something outrageous, not stupid, but something creative and unexpected for you. Keep life interesting. I also liked her emphasis on being who you are, focusing on your strengths. That...
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Murder and a Missing Painting

"It's not every day an art restorer is brutally murdered in the United Kingdom," Isherwood said. "Given your circumstances, it must have come as something of a shock." "Let's just say I read the stories this morning with more than a passing interest." (pg. 38, The Rembrandt Affair by Daniel Silva) I don't know how I've never read any of Silva's Gabriel Allon series before. I'm really enjoying this one. Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Play along. The rules are easy and I only cheated a little. Grab your current read, open to a random page, and give us two teaser sentences. Remember, no spoilers. [tweetmeme source= "carolsnotebook" only_single=false] I received my copy from the publisher for review and the above is my honest opinion. I am an Amazon associate....
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