Review: The 17-Day Diet by Dr. Mike Moreno

Like many people, I could stand to lose more than a pound or two, so when The 17-Day Diet came out, I thought I'd give it a try. The 17-Day Diet is set up in 4 cycles , each of which lasts 17 days. I'm still in the first cycle, Accelerate. It's designed to give you a quick start to losing weight. In theory, you can manage any plan for only 17 days, but I probably shouldn't have started it the week before Easter. It is a very easy to follow plan, but look at all those yummy Peeps and chocolate eggs and  cherry pie. Back to the book. Basically, it gives you a list at the beginning of each cycle of the foods you can eat. The first cycle is mostly poultry, fish, a bunch of vegetables and some fruits. He also want you to drink green tea and eat two probiotic servings a day. Now I hate yogurt and...
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Stop Calling Him Honey and Start Having Sex! by Maggie Arana and Julienne Davis

Stop Calling Him Honey and Start Having Sex! by Maggie Arana and Julienne Davis Not my usual choice I know, but worth reading, even if you don't think your sex life needs rekindled. Arana and Davis believe that our daily habits that can kill the spark in a relationship. Their advice is not about buying sexy lingerie or scheduling date nights or "just doing it" whether you're in the mood or not. They promote treating each other like adults with love and respect, which means no androgynous nicknames, no baby talk, keeping the bathroom door shut. A lot of the book isn't about sex necessarily though. It's about being your own woman, remembering that you are in fact an individual, that your husband compliments you but isn't your other half. It's really about exploring all the parts of yourself that are valuable and unique. As women and men, we are many things: wife/husband/partner, mother/father, career person, homemaker, cook, housekeeper, gardener, caregiver for humans...
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The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer

The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer When we have confidence in God and His love and kindness, we can progress to living confidently and enjoying the life He wants for us.  (pg. 6) Throughout this book, Meyer gives points on how to have that confidence through scripture, examples and her personal testimony. I like that she writes in a straight-forward, down-to-earth way, so positive, wanting every woman to see that no matter what her past involves or where she is now, she can be that confident woman she was created to be. Meyer discusses the the characteristics of a confident woman and how to overcome the fears and stress that sometimes stand in our way. I can see this being a very inspirational book, with concrete steps to take. I liked the advice to do something outrageous, not stupid, but something creative and unexpected for you. Keep life interesting. I also liked her emphasis on being who you are, focusing on your strengths. That...
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Mailbox Monday

Marcia at The Printed Page hosts Mailbox Monday. Here's my list from the week. First is the beautiful pearl necklace I won, thanks to Pearl Girls and Freda's Voice. Books: 101 Glam Girl Ways to an Ultra Chic Lifestyle by Dawn Del Russo (Received from the author for review.) Brief Interviews with Hideous Men by David Foster Wallace (Audiobook won at Metroreader. Thanks, Kim!) Did you get any good books over this week?...
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My Goodness: My Kids

My Goodness: My Kids by Nesta A. Aharoni published: April 1, 2008 by Grassroots Publishing Group, Inc. From back: Raise good kids and save the world! Kids who are raised to be good—above and beyond any other characteristic—mature into adults who display honor and integrity in their daily lives. Children who value goodness don't cheat on a test to get into the college of their choice. They don't steal candy from the grocery or grow into adults who steal office supplies from the workplace. They treat others with respect and kindness, and they don't hurt innocent people through violence, manipulation, or cruelty. My thoughts: Aharoni doesn't claim to be an expert on child-rearing, but she is a mom who raised three kids, devoping ideas and strategies along the way. The book is divided into 30 chapters, each dealing with some aspect of raising children, like punishment, food and friends. These chapters have good solid advice in them and would definitely be helpful to people trying...
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