Mailbox Monday

Marcia at The Printed Page hosts Mailbox Monday. Here's my list from the week. First is the beautiful pearl necklace I won, thanks to Pearl Girls and Freda's Voice. Books: 101 Glam Girl Ways to an Ultra Chic Lifestyle by Dawn Del Russo (Received from the author for review.) Brief Interviews with Hideous Men by David Foster Wallace (Audiobook won at Metroreader. Thanks, Kim!) Did you get any good books over this week?...
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Mailbox Monday

Marcia at The Printed Page hosts Mailbox Monday every week. I got some great books and goodies. Turn Up the Heat by Jessica Conant- Park and Susan Conant, signed, was a win from Lori's Reading Corner. Thanks I received Rion by Susan Kearney from Anna at Hachette Book Group for review. Then on Saturday morning, I received the Giving Thanks tote bag I won at TJ Bennett's blog, IMHO. Thanks! In addition to the cute black and white tote, it included five signed books and some goodies. Passionate by Anthea Lawson A Stroke of Magic by Tracy Madison The Promise by TJ Bennett Not Quite a Husband by Sherry Thomas The Pleasures of Sin by Jessica Trapp $20 Barnes and Noble Gift Certificate A pear scented candle, bookmarks and a magnet for my car What books found their way to your house this week?...
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