The Book List Meme at Lost in Books asks a simple question this week, “What are your favorite genres?” Actually it’s not that easy to answer. First there’s the “favorite” word. How do I pick my “favorites?” How can I choose when I love them all? And then “genres.” There are so many genres and sub-genres and books that cross categories that it’s tough, but I finally came up with a rather broad list.

Mystery – “Human nature doesn’t change. Our clothiers change, our technology changes, but the passions that drive people to commit a crime, which is what these books are all about, doesn’t change, and that’s endlessly fascinating.” ~Miner

Romance – “Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze.” ~Amanda Cross

Fantasy – “Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can. Of course, I could be wrong.” ~Terry Pratchett

It’s interesting that those have been my favorites really since I was a young.

So, what are your favorite genres? Have they changed over the years?


  • +JMJ+

    I love the quotes you use! =D

    When I answered this meme, I, too, tried to distill the essence of each genre–or at least the essence of what appeals to me in each genre. (It all sounds very sophisticated until you actually read what I’ve written. LOL!) I think your idea of using concise but sharp quotes from people who actually write in your preferred genres is much better!

  • stacybuckeye

    I love all of those too, although I read less fantasy. I usually prefer it as part of the story instead of the story itself. Although there are a few fantasy books on my favorite list, so maybe that’s not right 🙂

  • I love the fantasy quote!! My favorites have changed over the years, but I would have to say that mine would be general literature, young adult, and the last would be a toss-up between fantasy or horror . . . horror used to be my really big thing, but fantasy seems to be creeping up more and more!

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