Okay, I’m not really wishing for snow, although it looks like it’s in the forecast here for the next few days. I wish I could be snowed in, not have to take Amber to school, not go to work. That won’t happen. We’ll get a few inches, maybe a two-hour delay and that’s about it, but I can dream.
If I were snowed in, what could I do. Well, there’s plenty of stuff to do around the house: the never-ending dishes and laundry, finish cleaning out the storage room, dusting and vacuuming. But I’d rather do something fun. I could read all day, watch a movie with Amber. Alpha and Omega, which she’s wanted to see since before it was in the theaters, is on-demand. Yes, she still loves wolves. I could play the piano. Oh, and I forgot to mention one of the most important things – sleep in.
Now, I’m afraid I’m going to regret “wishing for snow.” Maybe I should have titled this “wishing for a couple of days off,” because I’m really not a fan of winter. I don’t like the cold and am already counting the weeks til Spring.
What a gorgeous photo! Snow days are cause for celebration … no housework allowed. I’d gladly share some of our snow with you 😉
I think your wish may be affecting my region. We are getting four inches right now… oi. I knew someone was to blame.
Enjoyed the thoughts you shared here,
I like ths snow. I like winter in general, with the cold air and holidays and all. But, I really like snow: sledding, snow-ball fights, donuts in empty parking lots, snow forts, snow men, skiing… We didn’t go skiing last year and likely won’t get to go this year either, which is a bummer. But, I have the prospect of outter banks surfing this summer to balance-out my bumming.
p.s. Happy Birthday to Amber!
Here it could snow for days but we never get snowed in or get snow days 🙁 I was always so jealous when I watched US shows and they had snow days. Sounded so fun
I’m waiting for snow right now! We haven’t had any yet this winter and my kid is dying for a snow day. Supposed to get a few inches later this afternoon…
Love the picture – not so much the snow supposedly coming.
I could use snowed in. Lets hope for about 2 feet. After I get home of course.
Beautiful photo. You are welcome to the snow we have here, as I don’t have a need for it.
We had a snowstorm here last night. I’m ready for Spring 🙂
I should have known better. What do we get today – snow. Amber has the day off; unfortunately I still have to be at work.
That photo’s beautiful! I wish I could see snow. I’m not a fan of cold, but since it’s hot here all year round, I don’t mind just experiencing it a weeeee bit.