The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes by Diane Chamberlain

Definitely a gripping story. At sixteen, CeeCee Wilkes is convinced by Tim Gleason, the man she is in love with, to help him kidnap the governor’s wife.  She will be in charge of guarding the woman, who turns out to be pregnant, at a remote cabin. As I write those sentences, it seems like a totally irrational thing, but CeeCee is alone, desperate to feel like someone loves her, trusts Tim with her whole heart. As I reader, I knew it was going to lead to trouble, but I could also sympathize with CeeCee.

Of course, the kidnapping goes horribly wrong. The woman dies during childbirth and CeeCee ends up keeping the infant.

CeeCee felt as if she were being swept along by a current she no longer had the will to stop. (37%)

CeeCee becomes Eve, beginning a whole new life on her own with the baby. A life full of lies, but also full of love.

The story is about the consequences of choices we make, but it’s also about the love of family, of friends, of sisters. It’s an emotional story and the characters will stay in my mind for a while.

Just one more comment: This one had me sniffling at the end.

File size: 382 KB
Print length: 496 pages
First published 2006

4 out of 5 stars

Purchase at Amazon, an Indie bookstore, or The Book Depository.

I purchased my e-book and the above is my honest opinion.


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