Sarah Sentilles was not just your average church-goer. She was in the process of working toward ordination as an Episcopalian priest, was a youth pastor, and a Divinity student at Harvard when she broke up with God. This book tells her story, how she was raised, what kind of teenager she was, and when she started waiting what she thought she knew and attempting to reconcile it with the God she was learning about. She puts in terms of a man-woman relationship, which I found made sense to me, others may not like that.

To be truthful, I didn’t like Sarah. I kept wanting to tell her to get a grip, to figure out who she is and stop relying so much on everyone else’s image of her. But I guess that was her point, and while she did get there, it was pretty rambly.
While I don’t agree with all of her decisions, I do think people can question God and religion. Like someone told her. “He can take it.”

It’s not a book I would choose to read again, but Sarah is open and honest about her journey, which I can appreciate. She has insights that did make me think about issues. As a personal memoir, It’s not the most well-written, but it was interesting, at points enlightening and at others just annoying

256 pages
Published June 1 by Harper 1

I received my ARC for review and the above is my honest opinion.


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