I adore Miss Marple. She seems like a sweet, gentle old lady, but she’s bright and knows human nature. In A Caribbean Mystery, Miss Marple is on vacation, enjoying relaxing in the Caribbean sun thanks to her nephew’s generosity. There’s only one problem – she’s bored. It may be paradise, but nothing ever changes. But then Major Palgrave dies under suspicious circumstance, and Miss Marple takes it upon herself to figure out who the killer is.

Miss Marple is on center stage in this one, in a new setting making new friends. Of course, everyone has their secrets, here mostly romantic ones, and there are plenty of suspects. None of the characters really struck me, except Mr. Rafiel, a rich elderly man who becomes Miss Marple’s ally in catching the criminal.

I can’t say that the plot here is the strongest. It wasn’t too tough to figure out the killer, even if there were red herrings aplenty. There were simply only so many characters that fit the clues, it wasn’t too tough to narrow it down to the right one. I still enjoyed it though. It was fun reading about Miss Marple putting on her little old lady act to get the other guests to share what they knew. She knows what she’s doing, that’s for sure.

I think I need to read a Hercule Poirot soon, but I did just get the first Miss Marple in the mail. Decisions, decisions.

Purchase A Caribbean Mystery at Amazon or an Indie bookstore.

Miss Marple #10
First published 1964

3 out of 5 stars

I borrowed my copy from the library and the above is my honest opinion.


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