What happens when a cowboy decides to turn detective?

It’s 1893 in Montana, and Big Red and Old Red Amlingmeyer sign on ranch hands at the Bar VR. They’re expecting hard work and little pay, but there are a lot of secrets at the ranch, and when more than one body turns up, Old Red, who in reality is only in his late 20s, decides to emulate his hero, Sherlock Holmes, and solve the case.

I listened to this on audio. William Duffs was the perfect narrator. It felt like I was sitting around a campfire listening to Big Red tell about their adventures, about sticking by his brother even when he thought it was crazy, about the goings-on at the ranch and the big house, and about the other cowhands, overseers and uppity British owners.

The brothers are a great team, opposites who work well together. Gustav, Old Red, is the brains, but he’s a quiet fellow and can’t read. Otto, Big Red, is his Watson, the guy that goes along, questioning what’s going on all the while, until finally Big Red presents the solution, one I didn’t see coming by the way. And the two stick together, through thick and thin, danger and dust.

A lot of the story is told in a cowboy lingo, which I really enjoyed hearing. I’m not entirely sure I would have felt the same if I were reading it, but as an audio, it was a blast. Great characters, lots of surprises, remarkable setting, and a touch of Holmes, what more could I ask for?

Purchase at Amazon or an Indie bookstore.

3½ out of 5 stars

Category: Mystery & Detective- Western

Holmes on the Range #1
9 hours, 25 minutes
First published 2006

Book source: Library


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