The folks at Chronicle Books are having their annual Happy Haulidays giveaway, in which one blogger – and one person who comments on their Happy Haulidays post – wins up to $500 of Chronicle Books. Sounds sweet, right? Well, the generous Chronicle people have added another dimension to the giveaway this year. Each blogger who enters gets to name the charity of their choice – and if they win, their charity also wins $500 worth of Chronicle Books.

For my charity, I have chosen Packages From Home. This is a bit about their mission:

Our sole purpose is to provide food, personal care, and recreational items to deployed American troops, at no cost to the them. Since March 2005 we have averaged 1,000 to 1,500 packages a month being shipped to our heroes. Our goal is to ship many more. We collect donated items from generous patriotic citizens who live all across America. These items include non-perishable food, personal toiletries, and recreational items like games, books, music CDs and movie DVDs.

The contest ends on December 2nd, when one blogger will be randomly chosen. If my post wins, not only do I win the books I’m about to list, but a random commenter on this post wins the same books. Also, Packages From Home will get to choose $500 worth of books that will then be added to care packages sent to deployed men and women in our military.

And now for the fun part… what would I choose with my winnings?

So, any of them catch your eye?


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