I adore Sherlock Holmes and when I saw this short story, “Sherlock Holmes Investigates: The Pink Jewel Conundrum” by Philip van Wulven, was currently free for the Kindle, I had to pick it up. I’m glad I didn’t pay for it. The story is also available in the collection Sherlock Holmes Investigates: The Hampshire Expedition.

The story starts off promising enough. Holmes and Watson are the consistent with Doyles character as is the tone of the story. After a formal royal event, Holmes and Watson are requested to stay in town by the Mayor of Portsmouth to help him with a personal matter. A precious gem has disappeared from chain of office that was left on the desk in the locked library. A perfect mystery for Homes to solve, would you say? And it does give him a chance to show off his knowledge, both of human nature and of the natural world. It’s just overall a let down. The story left me feeling like “That’s it? That’s all you had.” It’s a little silly, a little boring, a little bland.

2½ out of 5 stars

Category: Mystery

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First Published December 1, 2011 by Philip van Wulven
7,400+ words

Book source: Purchased


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