Books have been a part of my life forever. I’m told that when I was little I would carry a book around with me begging my mom to “ree.” Here are my Top Ten Bookish Memories, in no particular order.

Neil Gaiman in Pittsburgh
  1. Reading to Amber before bed when she was just a baby.
  2. In November, my husband and I went to see Neil Gaiman speak in Pittsburgh. David was not looking forward to a lecture, but Gaiman was entertaining and read from both Stardust and his new one coming out in June, The Ocean at the End of the Lane. He even made David almost want to buy the new one. My husband, for the record, is not much of a reader but has gone along with me to several events because he knows how much I enjoy them.
  3. My mom and I saw Erik Larson talk in September of last year. He is one of the few non-fiction writers that both of us enjoy. He was a great speaker and I was surprised at how many people were at the lecture. It was a full house.
  4. For the last few years, my family has gone to the Ohioana Book Festival in Columbus. I enjoy the panels and meeting the authors. It’s a nice day and this past summer not only did I get to meet Stacy, I also ate from a food truck for the first time. I’m hoping it’s on David’s calendar for this May.
  5. About four years ago, David and I went to the Festival of Mystery held yearly by the Mystery Lover’s Bookshop in Oakmont. I had never been in a room with that many authors before. Among others, I got a signed copy of Still Life, the first in Louise Penny’s series.
  6. Sharing books I love with Amber, one’s from when I was younger and classics like the Sherlock Holmes stories. Now, finding books that both of us will like. She just picked up The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress, which she’s enjoying. I figure I’ll borrow it when she’s done.
  7. Being part of World Book Night last year.
  8. I have a terrible memory and you’ll notice not many of these moments are from childhood. I just don’t remember things well. However, my TAG teacher gave me a book that I loved when I in sixth grade. I still have it and remember the plot and characters even 20+ years after reading it – The Gammage Cup by Carol Kendall.
  9. I remember spending hours and hours with some of my favorite people – Nancy Drew, Hercule Poirot, Sherlock Holmes.
  10. Reading I’ll Take Manhattan by Judith Krantz. I must have been a young teenager when I read it and probably thought it was quite an “adult” book, because it’s another one that has stuck with me.

What are your best bookish memories?

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.


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