frank sinatra in a blender

Title: Frank Sinatra in a Blender

Author: Matthew McBride

Read by: Keith Szarabajka

Category: Crime Fiction

Audio published: April 1,2013 by Blackstone Audio

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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Nick Valentine has problems. He’s a drunken ex-cop who lives in his shabby
office, hangs out at strip clubs, and has only one real friend—Frank Sinatra.
But he’s one of the best private investigators in Saint Louis. So when an inept
crew robs a credit union, only Valentine can figure out who made off with the
millions—because sometimes solving a crime takes a hard guy who’s not afraid to
work outside the law. Valentine swerves through the underbelly of Saint Louis
looking for answers, and with every law he breaks, every drink he takes, and
every OxyContin he snorts, he lurches closer to finding the truth—or floating
facedown in the Missouri River.

That’s still how I feel. Frank Sinatra in a Blender by Matthew McBride is a non-stop ride full of violence, alcohol, violence, and strippers, but it’s funny and just a great, original book. I read a fair amount of mysteries and crime fiction, but I have to say it’s been ages since I’ve run into as screwed-up a hero as Nick. He’s helping out the police chief, in theory, but running his own scam with his criminal buddies. He’s one of those guys who works on both sides of the law and somehow gets away with it, but I do think he’s a good guy. He appreciates the police chief and certainly has a soft spot for his dog.

Keith Szarabajka was a perfect reader for the story. He  gave Valentine a tough edge, made every blow-by-blow factual, like this is just how the characters expect life to be. Io also liked the accent he gave a British guy and appreciate how difficult it must have been to find a voice for a man who had just had half of his face just blown off.

So, if you enjoy crime novels, have a slightly off sense of humor, and not a squeamish stomach. This one is a great read. Not one I’d recommend to my mother or daughter, but I do think my husband would enjoy it. If it were a movie, it’s be to gory and violent for me, but as a book it works well. It’s a quick ride with a shotgun by your side, a chainsaw in the trunk, and a bag of money in the back seat.

For those curious, Frank Sinatra is Valentine’s dog, and yes he does end up in a blender. In the end, though, he’s as tough as his owner and is only a little worse for wear.


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